Past Sermons
2013 Sermons
A story of true Grace. Pastor Toby Abbott teaches about the Love and Grace that only God can give.
Paula Abbott shares her story of the Ultimate Christmas Gift and how it saved her life.
This is an amazing message by Pastor Toby Abbott. He teaches us about trusting God without borders around our trust. He also teaches us about going deeper with God and trusting Him with our everything.
Pastor Toby Abbott from Round Pen Cowboy Church. The Christmas Challenge to all people.
Pastor Toby Abbott talks about the light that is inside each Christian. Are you going to let it shine or are you hiding it? Great Great message a must see.
Pastor Toby Abbott with Round Pen Cowboy Church teaches on how Jesus is looking for people that have faith. Do you have Faith? Will Jesus find you faithful? Great message for everyone.
Pastor Toby Abbott teaches about taking the limits off of God so that He can work in your life. He teaches that we don’t need to look at the physical but to trust and believe in God. Don’t Limit God!
Pastor Toby Abbott preaches about how God uses normal everyday people to do His work. Round Pen Cowboy Church
What do you believe? Do you believe in the Grace of Jesus Christ? Do you believe that by Grace we are saved? Do you believe that Jesus died for you? Pastor Toby answers all these questions in this very powerful message.
Pastor Toby Abbott teaches about stepping up to the plate when God calls. Blessings come when there is obedience.
Pastor Toby Abbott teaches on being Reconciled to God. No matter where you’ve been or what you’ve done, you can come into a relationship with God. Sins are forgiven and a new life begins for those who ask for forgiveness. Come just as you are.
Pastor Toby talks about Grace vs Works. God’s Grace is better every time.
Pastor Toby teaches in this message that we need to keep on asking, keep on seeking and keep on knocking. If we ask we will receive, if you seek we will find and if we knock the door will be open.
Paula Abbott’s testimony of healing. AMAZING story of how God restored her back to health after the doctors said nothing else can be done.
Pastor Toby Abbott teaching about Jacob and Esau fighting for the Birth Right and Blessing and how you will reap what you sow.
Pastor Toby Abbott teaching that when you attend to God’s word you will reap the benefits that come with it.
This is a great sermon on how to praise God during a storm in your life and watch God deliver. Complain and remain or praise and be raised
This week Pastor Toby show us that we have an inheritance not by works but by grace
What a great word about Job’s life. Pastor Toby talks about his fear, and his perseverance.
God tells us in His Word not to worry or take thought of our own lives. Just as He takes care of the birds and the lilies of the fields He too will take care of you
Are you letting fear control your life? Pastor Paula Abbott teaches that we don’t have to let fear or any other addictions control us if we choose to focus on God and His path for our lives.
Super powerful message by Pastor Toby Abbott. Are you putting flavor in the world or are you just blending in?
Father’s Day message from Pastor Toby Abbott. This message is not just for Father’s but for everyone. Super awesome word.
Great message from Pastor Justin Barham “Who is in Control?” Who controls your life? The world or God?
This weeks message from Pastor Toby is fantastic. He teaches that you need to stay focused on God’s Word while you run the race of a lifetime.
This week Pastor Toby compares God’s word to cattle a prod
What an amazing message by Pastor Toby Abbott. Very funny, but serious all in one message. You will catch yourself laughing so hard and understanding every word all at the same time. Enjoy!
Pastor Toby Abbott talks about how being cantankerous with God never really works. Very powerful but funny word about running from God’s call.
Round Pen Cowboy Church featuring Tommy Brandt live. Enjoy as Tommy Brandt sings and brings a powerful Word from God.
This week Pastor Toby explains the difference between the Law and Grace
Paula Abbott teaches how we need to be sold out for Jesus. Just enough is not good enough.
Have you ever thought about the Dude that owned the Donkey that Jesus rode during His final days? Pastor Toby explains how he had to obey God when called to leave his donkey tied to a post for Jesus to take.
Pastor Toby talks about Honoring God with your whole heart. To give Him your whole heart and not just half.
Today Pastor Toby talks about Gideon being small, no money, and the least and yet God used him the same as as He can use us
Pastors Toby and Paula Abbott teach how to trust God through the storms of life.
This is a powerful service with Pastor Justin Barham and the Round pen praise team teaching on salvation
Pastors Toby and Paula explain that Grace is above all your sins. Pastor Toby is preaching from John 8 about the woman that was caught in the act of Adultery and in Daniel 5 about the writing on the wall.
Great word from Pastor Toby Abbott at Round Pen Cowboy Church. He teaches us how to live from the inside out.
This week Pastor Toby talks about being frustrated as a Christian
This week Pastor Toby teaches on how to overcome the dried up circumstances in your life.
Past Sermons
- Sunday 12-29-13 with Pastor Toby Abbott Plan on Grace
- Christmas Eve 12-24-13 A Cowboy’s Country Christmas
- Sunday 12-22-13 with Paula Abbott The Ultimate Christmas Gift
- Sunday 12-15-13 with Pastor Toby Abbott Lead Me Where My Trust Is Without Borders
- Sunday 12-08-13 with Pastor Toby Abbott The Christmas Challenge
- Sunday 12-01-13 with Pastor Toby Abbott This Little Light of Mine
- Sunday 11-24-13 with Pastor Toby Abbott Great Faith
- Sunday 11-17-13 with Pastor Toby Abbott Don’t Limit God!
- Sunday 11-10-13 with Pastor Toby Abbott God Uses The Most Unlikely People
- Sunday 10-13-13 with Pastor Toby Abbott Do You Believe?
- Sunday 10-6-13 with Pastor Toby Abbott Step Up To The Plate
- Sunday 09-29-13 with Pastor Toby Abbott Reconciled – A Message of Faith!
- Sunday 09-22-13 with Pastor Toby Abbott Grace, Grace and More Grace
- Sunday 09-15-13 with Pastor Toby Abbott Don’t Quit
- Sunday 09-08-13 with Paula Abbott Healing Arises On the Wings and Beams of the Morning
- Sunday 09-01-13 with Pastor Toby Abbott Jacob and Esau
- Sunday 08-25-13 with Pastor Toby Abbott Attend To My Sayings
- Sunday 08-04-13 with Pastor Toby Abbott Praise Him In The Storm
- Sunday 07-28-13 with Pastor Toby Abbott Inheritance
- Sunday 07-21-13 with Pastor Toby Abbott What I Fear The Most
- Sunday 07-07-13 with Pastor Toby Abbott Ain’t No Worries
- Sunday 06-30-13 with Paula Abbott Fear Factor
- Sunday 06-23-13 with Pastor Toby Abbott How Salty Are You?
- Sunday 06-16-13 with Pastor Toby Abbott Right Mindness
- Sunday 06-09-13 with Pastor Justin Barham Who’s In Control?
- Sunday 05-26-13 with Pastor Toby Abbott Staying Focused
- Sunday 05-19-13 with Pastor Toby Abbott The Wise Cattle Prod
- Sunday 05-05-13 with Pastor Toby Abbott Going Up Stream
- Sunday 04-28-13 with Pastor Toby Abbott Cantankerous
- Sunday 04-21-13 with Tommy Brandt Tommy Brandt in Concert
- Sunday 04-14-13 with Pastor Toby Abbott Right Doing VS Right Believing
- Sunday 04-07-13 with Paula Abbott Sold Out For Jesus
- Sunday 03-24-13 with Pastor Toby Abbott The Dude With The Donkey
- Sunday 03-17-13 with Pastor Toby Abbott Honoring God With Your Whole Heart
- Sunday 03-10-13 with Pastor Toby Abbott Do You Think You Are Insignificant
- Sunday 02-17-13 with Pastors Toby and Paula Abbott Super Storms
- Sunday 02-10-13 with Pastor Justin Barham Salvation
- Sunday 02-03-13 with Pastors Toby and Paula Abbott Bath In His Grace
- Sunday 01-27-13 with Pastor Toby Abbott Inside Out
- Sunday 01-13-13 with Pastor Toby Abbott Frustrated
- Sunday 01-06-13 with Pastor Toby Abbott Dry Bones